Pastors & Staff
Elders & Deacons


Ebenezer Bible Fellowship Church is a friendly, multi-generational congregation which averages 450 on a Sunday morning with two services. We stand on the primacy of the Scriptures and the New Birth. We desire and pray for both conversion and transformation in our midst. We are evangelical, reformed, and baptistic. Our worship contains a variety of music styles and congregational participation. Our favorite phrase is “People Matter To God.”  We are part of the Bible Fellowship Church, a denomination of over sixty churches located throughout the northeastern United States.  Its doctrinal emphases includes salvation through the death and resurrection of Christ, transformed life through new birth by the Holy Spirit, the authority and trustworthiness of the Bible as the Word of God, the culmination of history in the second coming of Jesus, and a shared-life in the church of believers, with every-member responsibility for the propagation of the Gospel by evangelism and missions.


  1. A High View of God: It’s not about us; In everything we do, we point to God, who alone is all glorious, who is the greatest treasure and pleasure of our lives. (Is 6:1-9, Eph 2:19-20, Prov 15:33, 2 Tim 3:1-4, Phil 2:12-13, Heb 12:28-29)
  2. The Bible: No matter what, we passionately cling to God’s Word as the first and final basis for everything we do. (2 Tim 3:16, Jn 10:35, 1 Thess 2:13, Matt 5:17-19)
  3. Worship: We value the Worship of God in spirit and in truth, in our individual lives, in our homes and when the church gathers corporately. We value worship that centers around God’s Word, prayer, singing praises to His name, and living in accordance with the gospel. (John 4:23-24)
  4. The Gospel Commission: Without shame, we unceasingly proclaim salvation through repentance and faith in Christ alone, being relentless to take the Gospel from the neighborhoods to the nations to make disciples of Jesus. (Eph 2:8-9, Mark 1:15, Matt 28:18-20, 2 Cor. 5:20-21)
  5. Prayer: Since our mission is not humanly possible, we embrace our utter dependence on the Holy Spirit through continual prayer. (Matt. 6:9-13, Eph 6:18, Phil 4:6-7, 1 Thess 5:17)
  6. Serving/Stewardship: Jesus came to serve. Therefore, His love compels us to be spiritual contributors not mere consumers, by using our spiritual giftedness as well as our resources of time, talents & treasures for the edification of one another and the glorification of God. (Matt 5:14-16, 1 Pet 4:10-11, Eph 2:10)
  7. Unity: Without compromising doctrine & godliness we refuse to be divided by conflict. We are an intergenerational community of peacemakers who strive to love, honor and forgive one another celebrating our uniqueness in the church family. (Jn 13:34-35, 1 Jn 4:7-8, Eph 4:32)
  8. Biblical Leadership: The world tells us to take charge, but we joyfully submit to the authority of Christ & humbly follow qualified sacrificial elder & deacon leadership. (1 Tim 3:1-13)


A Place for You to . . .
GATHER to worship.
GROW in the Word.
GO with the Gospel.

Our Vision Is . . .
To be a local church where the truth of God’s Word transforms people and equips the believer for service
To be a community of believers unified in worship, prayer, service, and discipling.
To be a fellowship of believers who exercise the love of Christ by living out the one-another’s found in scripture.
To be devoted to the ministry of the gospel personally and corporately, in the home, community and around the world.

Our Name Means . . .
Ebenezer – “the Lord is our helper” (1 Samuel 7:12)
Bible – God’s revealed truth
Fellowship – loving one another as a family
Church – called by God to be a family for His glory and our good

Our Worship . . .
We seek to glorify God and edify believers through a contemporary blend of both traditional and modern worship songs emphasizing sound theology and a God-ward focus. We are also committed to expository preaching and the Doctrines of Grace.


“The Gospel is one great figure standing with outstretched arms.” Someone has called John 3:16 “the heart of the Bible.” It is so simple a child can understand it; yet it condenses the deep and marvelous truths of redemption into these few heartfelt words:

“God”- the great and loving Father
“So loved”- so deeply cared about
“The world” – human beings separated from him by their sinfulness
“That He gave”- that he willingly sacrificed
“His only begotten Son” – the greatest Gift he could give
“That whoever”- that he invites all people
“Believes” – to place their trust in Christ’s atoning death on the cross
“In Him” – in the greatest person who ever lived, Jesus Christ
“Should not perish” – who paid the penalty for our sin
“But have everlasting life” – to give us the certainty of eternal life, peace with God, and power for living meaningful lives here

You can have peace with God. In order to do so, you must confess that you have sinned against God, who is holy and pure. You cannot stand before him unless the penalty for your guilt has been paid. Jesus paid it all. Acknowledge Jesus as your Savior who saves you from your sin and ask God to come into your life and be your Lord. This is how we become children of God. This is called the New Birth. We will gladly answer any questions you may have to assist you in your journey back to God. Please feel free to ask for help.