We at Ebenezer have been called to care for our children and to honor the name of Christ. To this end, these policies have been developed to ensure a safe, loving environment where the Lord Jesus Christ is glorified and enjoyed by all His people. While we rely ultimately on the sovereign protection of our Lord, we also recognize that He has called us to exercise wisdom and prudence in our care for His children.

All Adult Volunteers Working With Children Must:

  • Complete a Volunteer Application Form, which requests references and a testimony of their faith in Christ
  • Have obtained required clearances (PA Child Abuse History, PA State Police Criminal Record, as well as the FBI Clearance for those who have not lived in Pennsylvania for 10 years)
  • Take the Mandated Reporter Online Training for Child Abuse or attend the yearly Mandated Reporter Training offered at Ebenezer
  • Wear Kids Crossing photo ID badge
  • Follow procedures established in the Kids Crossing Operating Guidelines

All Teen Volunteers Working With Children Must:

  • Complete a Volunteer Application Form, which requests references, testimony of their faith in Christ, and a Teen Volunteer Agreement
  • Wear Kids Crossing photo ID badge
  • Always work under the supervision of an approved adult volunteer