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New Adult Electives

January 5, 2025 @ 10:05 am 11:00 am

Join us for these weekly classes that offer solid Bible teaching that is dynamic, interesting, and helpful! Choose from two different classes for the spring 2025 semester.

  1. Loving the Ones Who Drive You Crazy – Loving people is hard.  Loving people who drive you crazy is harder.  However, in John 17:21-24, Jesus prays that our unity within the church would reflect the unity of the Trinity.  Since unity within the church declares Christ’s Messiahship, we must love each other well. Despite our different personalities, cultures, political/social opinions, views on worship, or any other differentiating characteristic, unity in the church is essential.  We encourage you to join us for an 8 week study based upon Jamie Dunlop’s, Love the Ones Who Drive You Crazy.  We will consider 8 truths from Rom. 12-15 that show us how to find God-exalting unity with those in the church whom we struggle to love.  This class will be co-taught by Pastor Mike and Chris Riedy, Jan 5 – April 27, Gym-South.
  2. Daniel (Part 1 of 2) – The book of Daniel is one of the major prophets of the Old Testament and in many ways provides the most sweeping view of world history spanning from the Babylonian empire through the time of the establishment of the kingdom of the Son of Man. As a Jew under Gentile captivity and exile, God granted Daniel insight into the details of His plan for world history as it relates to Israel and the nations. The revelations in Daniel provide a primary key to the overall study of biblical eschatology and is essential to understanding the book of the Revelation. Through Daniel’s life and writing, God demonstrates that He is sovereign over every detail in world affairs and will bring about the manifest, visible and powerful kingdom of His Son on earth in the great climax of the history of this earth. The earthly reign of King Jesus will stand superior to any kingdom expressed under fallen man and He will have dominion over all of the earth. This class will be co-taught by Scott Holwick and Tom Pagliughi, Jan 5 – May 25, Gym-North.