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Summer Electives

June 16, 2024 @ 10:05 am 11:00 am

Join us for these weekly classes that offer solid Bible teaching that is dynamic, interesting, and helpful! Choose from 2 different classes this semester. No need to sign-up, just come!

1) Progressive Christianity and the Deconstruction Movement – This class is for teens & adults. You don’t need to look far to see that Biblical Christianity is under attack in America. The culture has quickly abandoned Christian ethics and openly opposes any Biblical influence on morality. While this is devastating, what is more alarming is the assault on Biblical Christianity from within the church. More and more influential Christian leaders are beginning to embrace cultural movements at the expense of Biblical authority. As the Word has become less authoritative in their thinking, they proclaim progressive beliefs no longer bound by “antiquated” Scriptures. The natural progression of these practices is a complete deconstruction of their faith. This class will take a look at the progressive Christian movement, deconstruction, and how the Biblical Church must respond. Taught by Pastor Mike Notary and Chris Riedy. Meets in Gym-South. This class concludes July 14, 2024.

2) Ezekiel, Part 3 of 3 – The class on Ezekiel is continuing; new participants are always welcome. Ezekiel prophesied while he and many other Jews were exiles in Babylon during the last days of Judah’s decline and downfall. His ministry was, in some ways, similar to that of his older contemporary Jeremiah who prophesied in Jerusalem. But while Jeremiah delivered a chilling message of the destruction of Jerusalem, Ezekiel brought a warming message of eventual reconstruction. Jeremiah was a man of tears; Ezekiel was a man of visions. And those visions stretched from horror to hope, and from condemnation upon Judah’s faithless leaders and godless foes, to consolation regarding Judah’s (and Israel’s) future. Through it all, God demonstrated, through what He revealed and carried out, that He is sovereign and omnipotent and works all things for His often stated purpose that “they shall know that I am the Lord” (6:10). Ezekiel, as a watchman for Israel, warned her of the judgment that was imminent and stressed the need for individual responsibility as well as national accountability before God. Each Israelite was personally to turn to the Lord. Likewise, the whole nation needed to ultimately return to Him. Join us as we study the message of this watchman to Israel and the nations that spans from the time of his ministry through the time of Christ’s glorious return and reign on the earth. Taught by Scott Holwick. Meets in Gym-North. This class concludes on Sept. 1, 2024.