
January 13 – April 28, 2013

10:05 – 11:00 am


Revelation class cover image

Revelation (Part 2 of 2) – EXP309

Taught by: Scott Holwick

Room: Fellowship Hall, North

No other New Testament book evokes the same fascination, produces wider divergence of interpretation, and is less understood than the book of Revelation. The Bible was intended to be understood, and Revelation is no exception.”

Join us as we progress to understand the meaning behind the seals, trumpets, bowls and other symbols. But more importantly, to understand what it means for us today and to learn how this book of Revelation should make a difference in our day-to-day lives.

NOTE: This class is the second part to the class that began in the Fall Semester of 2012… but all are welcomed.

Please feel free to email me with any questions –


Handouts (posted after each class):

Week 1 (Jan 13)

Revelation, Session 13a: Notes

Revelation Session 12b-13a Presentation (Recorded slide show with audio)

Week 2 (Jan 20)

Revelation Notes Session_13b

Revelation Session 13b Presentation (Recorded slide show with audio)

Week 3 (Jan 27)

Revelation Notes Session_13c

Revelation Session 13c Presentation (Recorded slide show with audio)

Week 4 (Feb 3)

Revelation Notes Session_14

Revelation Session 14 Presentation (Recorded slide show with audio)

Week 5 (Feb 10)

Revelation Notes Session_15

Revelation Session 15 Presentation (Recorded slide show with audio)

Week 6 (Feb 17)

Revelation Notes Session_16

Revelation Session 16 Presentation (Recorded slide show with audio)

Week 7&8 (Feb 24 & Mar 2)

No Slide presentation for this session as of now

Revelation Notes Session_17

Week 9 (Mar 24)

• Revelation Notes Session_18

• Revelation Session 18 Presentation (Recorded slide show with audio) NOTE: We got through only a portion of the notes and the rest became a Q & A time

Week 10 (Mar 31)

• Revelation Session 18 Supplemental Chart

• Revelation Session 18b Presentation (Recorded slide show with audio) Continued session 18 notes and went over supplemental chart

Week 11 (Apr 7)

• Revelation Notes Session_19

Week 12 (Apr 14)

• Revelation Notes Session_20

Revelation Session 20 Presentation ( we got through most of the notes some to be continued)

Week 13 (Apr 21)

• Revelation Notes Session_21

Revelation Session 21 Presentation ( Finished last page of 20 and got through most of 21 – Rev18)

Week 14 (Apr 28)

• Revelation Notes Session_22

Revelation Session 22 Presentation ( Finished last page of 21 and got through 22 – Rev19)




Romans (Part 2 of 2) – Exp310

The Righteousness of God Revealed

Taught by: Pastor Dick Bickings

Room: Fellowship Hall, South

Romans, Paul’s magnum opus, is placed first among his thirteen epistles in the New Testament. While the four Gospels present the words and works of Jesus Christ, Romans explores the significance of His sacrificial death. Using a question-and-answer format, Paul records the most systematic presentation of doctrine in the Bible. The theme of Romans is the revelation of God’s judging and saving righteousness. God judges sin and yet at the same time extends His saving mercy through Jesus Christ.

But Romans is more than a book of theology; it is also a book of practical exhortations. The last section of Romans spurs believers to live daily lives that match what their mouths profess. The good news of Jesus Christ is more than facts to be believed; it is also a life to be lived — a life of righteousness befitting the person “justified freely by His [God’s] grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus” (3:24).

Handouts (posted after each class):

Week 1 (Jan 13)

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Week 2 (Jan 20)

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Week 3 (Jan 27)

[iframe src=”″ width=”500″ height=”367″]

Week 4 (Feb 3)

Week 5 (Feb 10)

Week 6 (Feb 17)

[iframe src=”″ width=”500″ height=”367″]

Week 7 (Feb 24)

[iframe src=”″ width=”500″ height=”367″]

Week 8 (Mar 3)

Romans 9

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Week 9 (Mar 24)

Romans 10

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Week 10 (Mar 31)

Romans 11:1-16

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Week 11 (Apr 7)

Romans 11:17-24

[iframe src=”″ width=”500″ height=”367″]

Week 12 (Apr 14)

Romans 11 (final)

[iframe src=”″ width=”500″ height=”367″]

Week 13 (Apr 21)

Romans 12:1-3

[iframe src=”″ width=”500″ height=”367″]

Week 14 (Apr 28)


Old Testament Survey – Top110

Taught by: Joe Maddock

Room 2

The Old Testament (OT) appears shrouded in mystery to many believers. And yet a complete picture of God, and Christian principles is not really obtainable from just reading the New Testament.

If we think about it, Jesus did not have Paul’s epistles but when he went away to mediate and study, he went to the Prophets, Psalms, and Writing’s of Moses. Throughout the OT scriptures He strengthened his relationship with God.

As we Explore the Old Testament we will glean the main points of each book while connecting them to the larger context of the OT with the goal that we too will be strengthened and encouraged in our Christian journey.

Handouts (posted after each class):

How-People_ChangeHow People Change – Top223

Taught by Pastor Jason Hoy

Room 9 (Serving Room)

A changed heart is the bright promise of the gospel. When the Bible talks about the gift of a new heart, it doesn’t mean a heart that is immediately perfected, but a heart that is capable of being changed.

Jesus’ work on the cross targets our hearts, our core desires and motivations, and when our hearts change, our behavior changes. It’s amazing to watch people who once seemed stuck in a pattern of words, choices, and behaviors start living in a new way as Christ changes their hearts.

Join us as together we look to understand how God changes ourselves and others so that we can be better instruments in the Masters hands.

Handouts (posted after each class):